Chronic jacobbb

Chronic jacobbb is a pro streamer for a clan called chronic.poofy hair,and dark skin tone.He is tall.He is good at building and editing.Other pro fortnite players and players in his community.My freinds also watch him and talk to him.Peaple also  say thing about him like he a god or hes a beast.He also has over 20,000 folowers on twitch.Me and jacobbb also play fortnite and other of his freinds and my bad at strraming and he is god at streaming.he drops 20 kils in solo squads and duo squads.

Dueling mandates in yellowstone

The lake trout were feeding on the cutthroat  population.And that means that the animals that feeds on the cutthroat would die.And our solution was that i would hire 1,000 anglers to catch the lake trout that are feeding on the cutthroat.the pros are that it would get rid of the lake trout population.